Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Yo - that means I in Spanish

Que Pasa Callabosas.
First, everyone reading this blog, should experience Monterrey at some point in their life, not just the Monterrey life, but through the lens of Gilgal church. We have been at it since Sunday, and whether it is a fellowship after a service, working together, or the in between times, it truly is a joy to be here. This is the 6th version of this missions trip, and the best part is the each one has been uniquely different, let me fill you in...

1. RGBI - Sharon definitely had some work for us. Smaller and some bigger things, ranging from changing batteries in smoke alarms, to painting metal entry doors. We were also able to replace the front window of her home, and some other odds and ends. While their Paul Martin came up with a design for a pulpit to mass produce for the church in Mexico, and we manufactured them with the carpentry shop at RGBI (finished 11:30 p.m. the night before we were supposed to leave.

2. Matamoros - The first ever trip into Matamoros. Enrique and Letty Rodriguez are starting a bible study in a rented house, where there is no church, and lots of people, mostly ninos. We came to do a 2 day VBS, and offer some support to the Rodriguez family. The first day we had 35 children in a space 10x8, the kids loved the drama, and Rebecca did a fine job sharing the plan of salvation, some children prayed out loud with her. Pray for those kids as Enruque and Letty follow up with them. There is so many children in this barrio, pray for them.

3. Border - Crossing was fairly easy. The immigration lady stamped our visas wrongly and that mistake cost us 45 minuntos. But we beat the rush, there were 3 other groups crossing after us, some were very large (in numbers not stature). The drive through Mexico was uneventful, which is always good. This was the first year we went to the church without any assistance.

4. Gilgal - This is going to be too short for all that is going on here. More later, on this. We made it to the last 30 minutes of church on Sunday, and than there was a huge party for Fathers. Mexico celebrates dads in a big way. We were treated to our first Mexican meal, and it was good. The evening service was some sharing from the team, a group of girls (Becky, Step squared, and Beth) sang a few songs, and I was able to preach on The importance of fathers, Judges 2. The work being done at the church is a variety; painting, craft prep for VBS (they hope to have 2,000 kids this summer!), pulpit assembly, putting in a new floor, cleaning, electrical, and more painting. Each night, and several breakfasts we have been treated to a Mexican feast, as Miros (Pastor Ramons wife) and several ladies have cooked for us. The hospitality shown to us has been incredible.

5. Bosques - a 30 minute drive from Gilgal. This is a small house church of about 35 people, in a community where there is no church present. The church just starting making payments on this house (they had been renting for years). With the payments come improvements. On Monday the fellas (Steve, Pablo, Juan (Ian), and I) worked there preparing and then pouring concrete pad in front of the house, so that the church can use this space for meetings and VBS. Never fear we did have a trumpo (mixer), still was difficult but it least there was no volcano mixing. The pad was poured, and there was much rejoicing. Tuesday, Steve and I worked with our Mexican heffe (boss) Beto (Humberto) laying block in the front of the building. Funny story - we did not have materials that morning, though we had ordered them the day before. We went to the material yard, and they yard guy said they were closed because nobody had bothered showing up with the key. His boss rolled up 30 minutes later(we hung with the yard guy watching the day go bye). The boss got us into the officina, but did not have a key to the 3 inch chain wrapped around the door, at which the yard guy pulls out a hacksaw and proceeds to cut the chain, he cant do it, our man Beto finishes the job in no time. Now we are in the yard, but the door to get the truck to the street is locked. Beto informs them to cut the weld on door where the lock is. At which point Beto cuts the weld and we are in business laying block by 1:00 p.m. that day. Wednesday was the service at Bosques, Paul Martin preached, Pat and Kathy shared, and the ladies sang, the place (new concrete pad and walls was packed). This was a sweet time of fellowship.

Tis all for now, Friday is Montonya (Mountains day)...

El Pastor


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great info., sounds like God is really using you!

miniministry said...

So is this the pithy post I was waiting on? Too late! I'm printing a few photos instead. (1,000 words each)

Hey, a friend took a look at this blog and remarked:
a) it's great
b) you all look like you really enjoy what you're doing
c) the locals seem to really appreciate it too.

That's a great testimony coming from someone outside the "inner circle." Just through pix, vids and testimonies, all can see how the Lord is working in this. Thanks for keeping it so updated, and for giving us everyone's POV.