Friday, June 13, 2008

Something old, something new

I have been accompanying students on mission trips for more than 15 years, yet I am still surprised when God teaches me something new. Today I drove the gas golf cart for the first time. I was a little afraid until Al said "Punch it." Suddenly I was transported back to driving lessons with my father. My first car was a manual transmission Toyota Tercel, and my dad taught me to clutch like a pro. Since I still drive a 5-speed, I have to "punch it" every day at home. How hard could it be? Before I knew it I was flying through Rio Grande Bible Institute waving at staff members as they passed in the opposite direction.
In the afternoon we drove to meet our friend Enrique, and traveled to his home for VBS. There were approximately 30 children and they enjoyed making masks of some of the animals on Noah's Ark. Birds, sheep, and lions paraded through the front yard and into the surrounding neighborhood. Games of jump rope and soccer were scattered in the street and everyone watched for cars. Again I was transported back to a time when I played outside with my friends. Nancy, one of the VBS children, insisted I jump rope with her. I kept thinking I was too old to jump rope, but I have to admit it was fun. At least it wasn't double dutch. I haven't done that since 1991.
I am grateful once more for a God who cares to teach us new things, and remind us that we are never too old to have fun. Thank you all for praying for us.
---Kathy Rochester

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