Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hello all!!

We arrived in Texas just fine. The plane flight was great. I was the only one of the group who had never really flown before and it was very exciting to me. It's so weird to think that the little shadows the clouds make on the ground provide a massive amount of shade for the people below. Really, the clouds aren't that big. Thinking about how the trees look so much taller when you're standing next to them on the ground and then looking at them from the air and seeing how tiny they really are sure puts things into perspective. I mean, how big is God? He's bigger then all of this (and now it's hard to imagine anything bigger!) The people are really so small in their own little life bubble...yet God knows each one of us. Awesome.

Things went well today at RGBI. We sanded and painted and cleaned and just in general helped out (not to mention that we had a ton of fun driving around the golf carts--RGBI is BIG). We're tired and gross, and yes I ran into a screen door, but I really didn't know it was there...
No one's terribly sunburned yet, for all you mom persons. We're getting ready for he VBS tomorrow in Matamoros. We've practiced the melodrama for Noah and the ark a couple of times, but I think a lot of this is going to be winging it and counting on God. Only eight of us are going, so Al's warned us that we'll ALL have to do sideliners allowed.

Yep, all is well so far, except for the fact that Stephanie Felts and I just found five giant red ants crawling on the floor and in our luggage in our room...we decided to hang out in the living room area of the guesthouse for a while...

Allyson, Dwain we miss you and wish you could be here!

Keep checking up on here, Ian says that he'll put up pictures and super awesome video tomorrow. And keep praying for us, please.

Rebecca Sohn


Matthew Heironimus said...

Thanks for the update. We are praying for you all.

zeekreed said...

I'm so glad you guys are all fine and that good work is being done!
Sorry to hear about the ants!
Glad to hear no one got (more) sunburned. Keep on keeping us so well informed.God Bless!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Rebecca,
That's good about the plane, I was hoping that that went smoothly. I was very much excited to see that you left this message, I'll be updating the people here who don't know what's going on over there.
Have fun, not only to you but to everyone else as well. Say hello to those who know me and to those who don't and that should cover everyone.

Love ya,

ladydi said...

I think that's Stephanie driving - watch out :)! Glad to hear your trip there was smooth. Thanks for the update and please keep them coming.

miniministry said...
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Bolens1966 said...

Dear Rebecca, That's a great post about events. Mom wants to know about that screen door experience? We enjoyed the photos and the video so much. We are so pleased with you, and look forward to more postings about Matamoros & VBS. We pray with you for God's work in the hearts of those you contact through VBS, and in your service on this Mission trip. Love, Dad & Mom.