Sunday, June 8, 2008

Four days away!

Okay, so the blog hasn't been nearly as active during the pre-trip stage as last year, but as a peace offering, I bring you a video!

Yes, well, the trip is this Thursday! Time flies when you're having fun, as they always say.

There is some bad news, however. As far as the information I have goes, the team is down to 10. Allyson can't make the trip because of her medical situation, and Duane Kunkee can't make it either. If you're reading this, we love you guys. (You too, Ro.)

But God is in control! Everything seems a little crazy, and things aren't as organized as last year, but I'm fairly confident that we'll pull it all together in time. I guess when you have a third of the people, you don't need to manage things as much, which is something Al is quite happy about, I can assure you.

Please pray for us, as I'm sure you're already doing. This should be fun.

Adios for now!



Elizabeth H said...

That's some great videography! My son Riley was riveted to the sight of Becky Sohn vacuuming and replayed it several times--no kidding!

Unknown said...

Rebecca I love it it tickled my funny bone. And my dad got a kick out of it too. Good job Ian.

-Aundira if you didn't know.

Unknown said...

I spelled my own name wrong. Crazy me.
