Monday, June 18, 2007

A word from Danny L...

Hey Danny here,
Yesterday after a worship service at Gilgal we ate dinner that the Mexicans prepared for us. I just happened to sit next to the bass player and drummer from the praise band. We talked and, through broken and even broken-er Spanish, the converastion turned toward music as it generally does with me and other musicians. Long story short, they invited me to play with them today at band practice in the church. So today I was able to jam with some local musicians and guess what, the language barrier was no problem. It didn't matter that I looked different or that I didn't understand what they were singing, we were all praising the lord together.

So far on this trip I was able to play the guitar for our team worship time, play the trumpet with and without others and I have played piano and guitar in free times of fellowship with other team members. I have been on this trip three times before and never before has the trip been covered in music such as this trip is so far. I am truly thankful that God allows us to praise him with music and that he has given me the ability to play these instruments because without him I truly am nothing.

-Danny Lewis


Cakesniffer said...

Good job, Danny. I agree. Music is quite spiffy.

susan said...

Hey Danny...that's what I love about music. It seems to speak the same language and interpret for us. We are continually in prayer for you all!

Baucom said...

Yay Danny found more music people! You're right too, in music there is no interpreting needed. I can't wait to hear more, I wish I could have gone.

You're in my prayers, and be safe!
