Saturday, June 23, 2007

A word from Andrew

I’m up late, I had too much soda to drink and I don’t think I’m going to be sleeping for another hour or so.

Our last day in Mexico has come to a close, and I know it’s only been ten days, but it feels like a month. A month of hard work, and for me, constantly running around, being driven from place to place taking pictures and video. These ten days have been my vacation from summer vacation; a break in my three month rest from school to be productive again.

Today, we attended the kids program at the mission in Revoluccion and as always, it was a joy to see these great kids. The area they live in is run by gangs and drug dealing is common. Sewage runs through the streets and graffiti covers the walls. Despite all this, the kids are full of smiles and laughter, eager to play, eat a small meal—sandwich and cookies—and it’s so easy to sit down—Hola!—and smile—Como esta?

I see there’s no blog for yesterday, so a quick explanation. We spent the day in Tecajote—a small community in the mountains—more specifically, we went to the mission there and served food to the locals and enjoyed some fellowship. As you can see, Brandon had some fun wrestling David (Dah-VEED, gotta pronounce it right), the team moved some cement, Ben was feeling cute, and we had tons of fun singing random songs at the tops of our lungs on the ride up and back down.

Well, not as much fun as we did this past evening. The mission team was split up into groups and had dinner at different church members’ houses. Possibly the most fun I’ve had the whole trip, but I’m sure you’ll hear plenty about that later.

Time to work on some photos. G’night. And…BURBUJAS! -Andrew

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