Friday, June 8, 2007

We leave in 6 days!

Wow, how time flies! It seems like just a few minutes ago that I was sitting in the first team meeting worrying about how on earth I was going to get five hundred and seventy-five dollars to go on the trip... Now, May is over and June is flying by, too.
Well, in case you'd forgotten, the team leaves in six days. We have to be up at the church on June 14th at the wonderful time of 6:00 in the morning. Then we have to go to the airport and make our way through customs in our 36 red mexico mission shirts, and we'll be on our way. Anyone who was at the TexMex dinner might remember me saying that I wasn't apprehensive... yet. Well, it's starting to build. This last week I acquired several essenntial things for the trip, and that preparation finally brought home how close the trip really is.
We have less than a week, people.
One of the biggest things that the team can ask of you is prayer. There are so many things that can go wrong, and while pessimism is definitely somewhere we do NOT want our heads to go to, we need to be realistic. There are lots of opportunities for the devil to do something, and prayer is essential. Also, please keep checking back here so that you'll keep us in mind and know what to pray for better.
The team also thanks you so much for the financial support that you've already given. The church is an essential part of this trip, and it's hard to thank you enough.
Six days to go!
Ian Reed


Ryan Gill said...

you all are in my prayers.

amomofteam said...

just wanted you all to lnow that I am praying for you too!

sesorelprup said...

Hey! Just got back from Mexico 17 hours ago and, yes, there were several attacks from the devil, but God is so much bigger and amazing through all the tough times. I'm praying for you guys!!! Dios le bendiga!

Anna said...

Yay! Ian, I am so proud of you!

You are going to make such a differance! I just know it :)

With prayers and love,