Sunday, June 24, 2007

A word from the Mom...

Well here it is Sunday around 9:30 pm. We are supposed to be home and excited to jump into our OWN BEDS, but as you already know we missed our first flight out of Laredo by just minutes. Trying to estimate the time to get across the border is quite the trick. About half of our group is in a hotel for the night, the other half should be home by now. Of those that are staying here until tomorrow, our spirits are up and we are doing well.

Besides this little glitch - this has been an amazing trip! Seeing Sharon at RGBI was great; that lady is a ball of fire. She is going to finish this race well. What a role model! When we first arrived in Monterrey, I was a little freaked out about not being able to communicate and feeling out of place. That lasted about 15 minutes; I decided hand motions and smiles are universal and needless to say this morning leaving Mexico I was sad to say goodbye to so many wonderful new friends. These people are so loving and have such a heart for the Lord and the lost. The work they are doing here is huge! I am so glad I was able to participate and that Bill, Danny and Jay were here too. What an encouragement they have been to our team.

I have many stories to share, but the two coolest things for me were the VBS in Matamorose (sp?) and Saturday evening eating dinner in one of the Mexican families homes. Of course I was nervous about the dinner. What will we eat, which mexican family will we be with, who will I be with from the team, what if the mexican family doesn't know English (I know zero Spanish -Gracious doesn't count). Well, the dinner turned out to be sweet! The person I was with from the team was Bill and we went to Pastor Chewy's. His wife, Bertha, doesn't speak English, but Chewy and his son, Jesse are two of the best English speakers in this group. AWESOME!! The food was good and the visit was great. The two hours went by extremely fast. Their two grandsons were there also, Steven 6, and Eric 3. Cute Kids.

The VBS really touched me because the area we were in was so poor. I have never seen anything like this!!! The kids were so receptive to anything you had to offer even if it was only a hug. Wow - it really touched my heart. I wanted to bring all those little munchkins home with us especially the little boys that played soccer. I was trying to figure out a way to get them home - my suitcase is pretty big, so I stuffed and stuffed and stuffed some more.... now you all know why we didn't get across the border.... I was trying to smuggle some little mexican boys. Hey - Danny's room is going to be empty in a few weeks when he goes away to Kirksville. You can't blame me for trying!

See you all soon. Hugs

So things happen...

Half of us are home, and half of us aren't. So things happen.
What are you gonna do? We left the church at 7:30 this morning, and apparently it wasn't early enough. We missed our flight by about ten minutes. About half of the team got put on later flights, but the rest of us are staying in a hotel in Loredo, Texas for the night. We'll be back around 12:00 tomorrow, so it's not a really big deal (moms) and most of the people still here are kind of excited to be staying in a hotel for a night.
We love you all very much, and we'll see you soon.


Saturday, June 23, 2007


Al is still not dead.

A word from Andrew

I’m up late, I had too much soda to drink and I don’t think I’m going to be sleeping for another hour or so.

Our last day in Mexico has come to a close, and I know it’s only been ten days, but it feels like a month. A month of hard work, and for me, constantly running around, being driven from place to place taking pictures and video. These ten days have been my vacation from summer vacation; a break in my three month rest from school to be productive again.

Today, we attended the kids program at the mission in Revoluccion and as always, it was a joy to see these great kids. The area they live in is run by gangs and drug dealing is common. Sewage runs through the streets and graffiti covers the walls. Despite all this, the kids are full of smiles and laughter, eager to play, eat a small meal—sandwich and cookies—and it’s so easy to sit down—Hola!—and smile—Como esta?

I see there’s no blog for yesterday, so a quick explanation. We spent the day in Tecajote—a small community in the mountains—more specifically, we went to the mission there and served food to the locals and enjoyed some fellowship. As you can see, Brandon had some fun wrestling David (Dah-VEED, gotta pronounce it right), the team moved some cement, Ben was feeling cute, and we had tons of fun singing random songs at the tops of our lungs on the ride up and back down.

Well, not as much fun as we did this past evening. The mission team was split up into groups and had dinner at different church members’ houses. Possibly the most fun I’ve had the whole trip, but I’m sure you’ll hear plenty about that later.

Time to work on some photos. G’night. And…BURBUJAS! -Andrew

Pictures from Saturday, Day 10

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A word from Al

Before the internet rumors run rampant. Al is not dead, nor in comma somewhere in Mexico. Stay tuned for details. I hope that you have enjoyed reading the blogs, I know that the few that I have had time to read were really good, and some of the pictures help paint a picture of the trip. Thank you for your support and your prayers! The experience down here in Mexico is both a blessing and a challenge. Blessing because you see what Gods people are doing, often by faith that God will meet their needs. Blessing because the people of Mexico are very friendly and are warm and inviting. Challenge because of the ministry that this church is doing with fewer people and fewer pesos (dollars), we are called to reach people with the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, everywhere! (Stepping down from the pulpit) Ok so here is some info to clear up for all the concerned mothers out there.
Al's Accidente - Last Saturday, as we were finishing up at the VBS in Santa Adiliada I was talking to Luis Enrique Rodriguez at the corner store (picture a very rural community - with dirt roads). As I giving some CD's that I had brought for him, I was clipped by a car that had drove up to the side of the road by the store. I am very thankful that the car was not going very fast and that it only clipped me, I spun around and I got some bruises from it. I had on a bracelet and the clip dug into my wrist and needed a band aid. Other than that it sure has become a great starter for conversations (my wife does not think so).
Lizzies Story - The mayor of the city of Monterrey was coming through that area of town, so Police were blocking off traffic, and helicopters were circling, it was chaotic for a time, welcome to Mexico. A few people got out of the vans and stayed at the mission with one of the local pastors (who speaks good english)
PRAY FOR FRIDAY - We are scheduled to go into the mountains for 1 day, but this whole week it has rained and rained, so it is up in the air whether we go or not. I will write more but tonight it is late. Adios Amigos!

Pics from Thursday, Day 8

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pics from Wednesday, Day 7

A word from Lizzy...

Many things have happened so far on this trip that we weren’t expecting, from duffels breaking to fuel leaks on airplanes. (The pilots returned us to the terminal to get checked out before we took off though) We had showers bursting, Pastor Al getting hit by a car, punctured mattresses, and were kicked out of our vans and left in a bad neighborhood surrounded by cops and helicopters (We later found out the mayor was visiting through those exact streets within a couple of hours). One of the biggest surprises for me was last Saturday. After returning from dinner and the VBS in Matamoras, MX, I walked into our trailer at RGBI to find millions of ants everywhere. There was an infestation of these small biting black ants.
They were in our clothes, in our beds, in our carpet, and in the bathtub. Kelli got hit the most by far, but Diane, Lydia, and I also had to completely empty our bags and wash/drown these detestable creatures God made (I don’t know why). It was like a scene from a horror movie. I’m not going to say there wasn’t a bit of freaking out by us at first, but we soon had everything under control. All of us moved to the other girls’ trailer and tried to get set up. One couldn’t see much ground within the other trailer. There was either a body lying down or a gigantic bag or a pile of clothes. Thankfully this was the night we were going to do laundry (The team was going to leave for Monterrey, MX after church the next day.). A few of us were up pretty late finishing the move and waiting for the extra clothes to be washed. Needless to say we slept very well that night, only to be awoken way too early. Yay for three hour van rides into Mexico. I think Kelli and I have a new frustration with ants. Seeing some yesterday we “accidentally” walked on them and crushed them and drowned some with paint. The lot of them has been staying clear from us ever since.

-Liz Pulley

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A word from Brandon...

This trip has been a pretty cool time for me. Just stopping and realizing to think I’m actually in another country doing work is pretty cool. Things have been so kinda laid back as we get back from working. The work is fun. I worked with Bill, Danny and Jay H. Today we made steps and started putting the cross beams up for the roof. I like the fact that I learn on these jobs and this is stuff that I know I’ll use later in life. Stepping back to RGBI, in Texas I was on the wall crew. We got up at six A.M. and laid cinder blocks ALL day …Hah. Yeah, hot, long and never ending is a way to describe that job. On to something else, how about the FOOD. I’m glad I brought my own food. We get good food but I’m not the average eater so I brought backup. Me and Jay ran down to the famicia and bought groceries and stashed em away. We have our own pantry! It’s so cool! Well, I’m missing out on star war fights with Jay and Dan Fly so I got to go... God is proving to me that I can work on anything no matter what and never give up.

-Brandon Pyles

Pics from Tuesday, Day 6

A word from Megan...

Today started out really great! I was working with a team at Roberto’s church painting. We were trying to finish up what we started yesterday and I had a great time working with Anna. After we got our lunch break Anna and I only worked about another hour and we were done. We waited for something to do and Chewy (an awesome Mexican man) came and took half our team to the mission called Revoluccion. Once we were there we once again had nothing to do. We just sat around which isn’t unusual for our trip. I started to doze in my chair on the back patio, and I knew in the front room there were benches that I could lay down on. I then decided to go into the other room. As I got up and went inside I forgot there was a step down to get into the church. Needless to say I fell on my ankle. They think I probably sprained it, so you can all be praying for me! It was definitely an exciting day for me. I’m really thankful for everyone who helped me through the rest of the evening. I was especially thankful for Tyler who carried me up to the roof and Ben who bought me down. The surrounding mountains of the city are absolutely gorgeous, and one of my favorite things on the trip. We brought a guitar up there and a few of us just sang some songs. It was so awesome! I guess that’s it from me. See you when I get home!

-Megan Sivcovich

A word from Ian...

I just came back from something pretty amazing. The team had just finished eating, and a whole lot of us went up onto the roof to watch the sunset. Danny, being his normal musical self, brought up Jack’s guitar. The girls took it to practice something that they’re going to perform tomorrow, but gave it back pretty soon. Danny burst into song, and started playing a whole bunch of things. He and Megan sang “All I Need” by Shawn McDonald and pretty much everyone who knew the song gathered around them and sang with them. After that, Danny played a few more hymns. My favorite was “These Thousand Hills.” It was so cool to be standing on the roof, watching a storm advance over the mountains, singing to God with a group of friends.

-Ian Reed